sono-, son-, sona-, -sonous, -sonic, -sonically

(Latin: sound, that which is heard; noise)

Someone who performs and interprets sonographic examinations.
Using the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to construct an image of a body organ (a sonogram); commonly used to observe fetal growth or study bodily organs.
sonoluminescence (s) (noun), sonoluminescences (pl)
In physics, a brilliance that is produced in certain materials by high-frequency sound waves or phonons: The physics students in Mr. Greg's class watched the creation of sonoluminescence in a test tube, watching the bubbles, created by sound waves, pop and emit bright flashes.
sonoluminescent (adjective), more sonoluminescent, most sonoluminescent
A reference to the emission of short bursts of lucency from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound: Various sonoluminescent sparkling lights may occur whenever sound waves of sufficient intensities create gaseous cavities within a liquid to quickly collapse.

The sonoluminescent bubbles in the thick liquid in the test tube appeared like bright and instant glowing brilliances that quickly disappeared.

sonoluminescently (adverb), more sonoluminescently, most sonoluminescently
A reference to, or a descriptive term for, the emission of small explosions of lights from imploding bubbles in a liquid when agitated by sound: The sonoluminescently bright sparkles were the results of small bubbles suddenly flying into pieces as they they came up through the thick liquid.
sonus (s), soni (pl); (masculine)
A noise, a sound; a tone.

Ab acutissimo sono usque ad gravisimum sonum. "From the highest treble to the deepest bass."

1. Something that can be heard.
2. Vibrations traveling through the air, water, or some other medium; especially, those within the range of frequencies that can be perceived by the human ear.
3. Being in excellent physical condition; such as, "Having a sound mind in a sound body."

Related information at "Oceanic Sounds in a Realm of Silence".